Monday, September 21, 2009

Lolz..diorang sume mmg pemalas

Hallo~Wie gehts?(apa khabar?) Gut? Das ist nett..(baguslah)

Disebabkan rakan2 kongsi yg len telah mula memalaskan diri menguruskan blog neh aku akan cbe ntuk mneruskan kemandirian blog neh.(wtf is kemandirian??) As always, google saves the day~ow..kemandirian tu mcm pengurusan n pape yg berkaitan la kot..ntah google un kdg2 ngarut (aku un kdg2 malas). As promised, I'll introduce a few things tentang bahasa Hitler neh (deustche). Bahasa neh agak susah (jauh lebih susah) berbanding English dan agak lebih kepada bahasa Arab dari segi grammarnya (kot). Sebagai contoh :

org melayu kata "lelaki itu" "perempuan itu" "kanak-kanak itu"
org putih kata "the man" "the woman" "the kid"
org jerman kata "der Mann" "die Frau" "das Kind"
ni baru sikit...
Dengan manusia sumenye berjalan agak lancar. yela lelaki pakai 'der', pompuan pakai 'die', neutral pakai 'das'..however, the pain starts here:
orang melayu kata "pen itu" "botol itu" "bekas pensel itu"
org putih kata "the pen" "the bottle" "the stationary case"
org jerman kata "der Stift" "die Flasche" "das Etui"
p/s: In the German language, nouns always start with a capital letter. e.g: der Stift
then an indian fella in my class came out with a smart question for our lecturer Mr. Brian Treneman (I think he's an English+Germany/pure English since his family came from England)
Indian dude: Excuse me aaa~How to determine what is what gender laa~?
Mr.Brian:Well, this goes under one~ simple rule.
(sume orang mule tersenyum kambing)
Mr.Brian:It is according to what the president of Germany had decided.(LOL, again)
hahaha..quite interesting eh?? There's no formula and you MUSTmemorize every
noun you have along with the articles (DER,DIE and DAS)
rsenye ckupla stakat neh..bnyk2 un xbes gak..hahaha


Hfz said...

alors..tres bien pour l'allemand..
je ne comprends pas bien mais j'hadore le francais beaucoup...
c'est tout....tchao!

Kamil said...

Ich kann nicht deine woerter verstehen!! Bitte Sprichst Englisch

Aisyah Shams said...


cann said...



awe said...

camano la ea nak paham bahaso neh?

ashraf said...


nur 'afifah :) said...
